Friday, November 17, 2006

Empress Won't

As some of you might know, I am researching material for my next screenwriting project, epic-to-be biopic based on one of the most powerful women in our time, "Empress Wu" of the Tang dynasty. Naturally that took me to reading Ms Too's novel. Now I respect Ms Too as Feng Shui consultant extraordinaire but here's when I say (no disrespect intended) that she best be sticking to her day job, er, I mean, writing Feng Shui books. I've more than a bone to pick on writing style, bad grammar and typos (yes girlfriend, spellcheck spellcheck spellcheck!) and bewilderment (what on earth is "let the sentence hang"?) A let down in epic proportions and a disappointment. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. Now if there's anyone who knows a good book on this fantastic character (Empress Wu I mean) please write me!


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